Humans by their nature are social animals and like ants need the order to survive in this world order is our foremost need, ever wonder why all the laws and social stigma or institutions or leaders which have dealt such a damage to humanity yet people didnt resist the order at the time they should be led into a war against their own flesh and blood, i.e. another human.
We all have always found ourselves in many or at least one incidence where we used the ideology of destiny or have seen our surrounding setting making a reference to it.
Of course, we have it makes us feel that there is a purpose and we will get that no matter what. It makes us feel relevant to this world which is so vast and enormous both outwardly and inwardly. In many dimensions, we humans have tapped into and many we have yet to.
Now behold my amigos we shall question, and I am gonna take you on a hell of a ride if you are a total believer of destiny slowly then profoundly. You just have to bear the mental simulation.
Let’s start !!!!
How is it created what its source is?
Affinity for an order that is resistance to change.
The easiest way to fall into the trap of making one belief in destiny is this one. Humans by their nature are social animals and like ants need the order to survive in this world order is our foremost need, ever wonder why all the laws and social stigma or institutions or leaders which have dealt such a damage to humanity yet people didn’t resist the order at the time they should be led into a war against their own flesh and blood, i.e. another human.
Belief in free will or independence and Marxist sociology will lead to the conclusion of a tilted balance towards randomness or chaos in our life or the whole meaning of life. If it unfolds how we act and think then you get the point too much to write. aha 😐
Need to fit in the world.
We have never understood the creator of this world or never even can that’s why he is creator also the fact that we align the creation with a creator which can be inherently assumed as a living entity. We understand things only based on what we see if there is a scientist who invents then there must be a creator who created this world?? Indeed such a pity for us.
As we can’t and made the false assumption, we are doomed to believe that if there is a creator then definitely he must have some scripted life for me. Even going by that he is a creator not a puppet master. He will have better things to create rather than tend to them.
We don’t understand this world, so we make a false assumption, and hence we finally got us into believing into destiny/fate/karma.
Hope lead us to believe in the concept of destiny in many ways unimaginable.
If we have already got into the trap of the above two causes which in most of the cases we do. Then the task for hope is simple when reality hits, and we can’t clearly see our purpose we make hope our ally to battle on the side of destiny.
If not then by nature we are expectant for order in our lives, means like something should happen as we want otherwise we will retaliate or get devastated. Life will hit us again and again with its reality till the point we leave expectations side towards hope itself, broken and tired and what will hope say life will be good you are destined to be happy. (Haha sucker hope though) .
Too much for the cause. Don’t feel like extending this more you must be tired of reading also.
Conclusion on its way.
Think about some quotations on destiny get riled up.
Like this one destiny is the bridge we build to the one we love. One from my fav movie My sassy girl ❤ Do watch it sometime if you haven’t. Bold and confused
You have to show up to the place your destiny meets you follow patterns be true to yourself go deep courageously year after year.
You have to seize your destiny from the hands of forces if there is anything as such.
All in all
Destiny in two lines according to my introspection and conclusion way back.
Only those who have achieved the highest and purest self of themselves being in this world have the privilege to call out to this world I was destined to be here not before not after just at that moment of infinite resourcefulness that particular person has experienced.
Once we have reached your dreams can you say we were destined to be here not before? Till then work hard to achieve your goals.
I promised to take you all on a hell of a ride, but I failed its only part one of my views and conclusion of destiny in a very shallow philosophical manner.
The other part is too complicated and weird for one to understand.
Watch out for part two again when I feel the motivation to pull this topic again.
Sneak peek … karma, sufferings, how destiny is decided for a particular person, why some people don’t pay for their evil deeds and some always end up, and its relation with the formation of destiny.
PS: Ahah! Moment for me yesternight.
A flashback behind the conclusion I made about destiny hit me today. It was in a second year sitting inside the computer lab playing some stupid MMORPG game.
PPS: Sometimes I feel its a drag to ponder over philosophy alone, so much so less I know.
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