We blindly follow and do things to satisfy God in the hope that God will reward us, but we mostly forget that God only rewards those who are true to help other humans and follow the religion of Humanity.

I rarely get scared in my dreams but when I did get scared today afternoon it was when I foresaw humanity in its most terrible state.

So here’s the synopsis of the most terrible state humanity can lower itself down to.

Most of billions population follow a religion, and religion is the root source of all our troubles.

We blindly follow and do things to satisfy God in the hope that God will reward us, but we mostly forget that God only rewards those who are true to help other humans and follow the religion of Humanity.

One such degraded religion that came in my dream was composed of people who kill other people after a possible nuclear war and eat their hunt’s flesh. In Hinduism, we have the concept called Kalyug which warn us of the same.

Most of the South part of the world was captured by these flesh-eating animals, and I was trying to run away from them, but one of their people captured me to convert me into their religion by blackmailing me to hunger death to eat my fellow brotherhood’s flesh.

I got converted then they captured the world leader of the other type of religion which was against it so that they can finally convert everybody to their faith.

My dream got broken till I can finish the rest state of humanity to which it can perish.

Its a warning call.

The dream feels so much prophetic that I shit my pants remembering it, I get few prophetic dreams once in a while.

All I can hope right now at this moment is to work and hope this mother earth will give us one last chance to prove ourselves that we care about our Mother on the Mother’s Day. :(

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# memory  
