After around 6 months I had to shift flat and coincidentally the place I finalized turns out to be right behind the area where he used to live… He was thrilled to see me again, maybe he must have missed me and asked for it to happen or perhaps the connection we made back then, made me shift that place again…

While shifting base to Pune, I had a company stay for around a week…

There I came a very peculiar case of a disabled dog, he was like very thin and walk/run around in a very saddening manner.

I felt pity for him, thinking about how it must be quite difficult for him to find and compete for food…

So I gave him food each day till I had stay in my hotel…

Made some kind of connection with him…

But when I had leave I felt bad and maybe he must have felt sad after that too…

After around 6 months I had to shift flat and coincidentally the place I finalised turns out to be right behind the area where he used to live…

He was thrilled to see me again, maybe he must have missed me and asked for it to happen or maybe the connection we made back then, made me shift that place again…

Now whenever I wake up early or sleep late I give him food…

While I make sure I leave only when he has finished eating else other street dogs would bully him out of his deserved food…

So here is a pic of him… :)


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# memory  
